The short answer: nope :)
There's a lot of misinformation out there that has led some people believe that they have to give up all snacks to lose weight. The fear is that snacks become this "forbidden fruit" that, eventually, will cause you to abandon your diet in favor of the cravings.
Food is one of the great joys in life, and removing all snacks is the number one reason why traditional, restrictive diets don’t work.
You don’t have to give up snacks to lose weight, but it is important to make healthier choices about the snacks you do eat.
There are four rules to live by when you are trying to lose weight:
1. Eat in proper portion sizes
2. Eat when you are hungry, not because you're bored
3. Make healthier snack choices.
4. Choose regular exercise and better sleep
Eating proper portions is a key part of losing weight. Not many people know how to appropriately portion their meals (or snacks), but getting single-portion sized snack packs can help take the guesswork out of the equation.
Single-portion snack packs also give you the option to take a snack easily on the go as well, making it just as easy as other snacks to bring with you to work or out on errands.
Eating "intuitively" (i.e. when your body is telling you it needs nourishment and you're actually hungry, not just bored) is another important step in losing weight as well, and healthy snacks are an excellent way to help tide your hunger over until your next meal. If you skip meals or wait too long to eat, your body will store more fat, as it recognizes it is not getting food when it needs it.
This fat-storing is a genetic mechanism meant to improve survival back when humans had to forage for food. This meant that, even if you didn’t find enough berries for the whole tribe, the extra fat stores would help to keep you going, giving you a chance to find more food.
Of course, today, we don’t need to forage, and junk food is in abundance, which makes us pursue fat loss diets in the first place.
In addition to portion control and eating intuitively, by skipping the potato chips and choosing a healthier alternative (such as kale chips) you're giving yourself a better chance at sticking to your diet. Curb the cravings and allow yourself some crunchy flavor. You’ll be glad you did, and you’ll be less likely to cave when you come face to face with that junk food temptation.
And the last two pieces of the puzzle, regular exercise and better sleep, are vital in losing weight. To lose fat, you need to create a calorie deficit - i.e. burn more calories than you take in. By eating high protein, high fiber snacks with complex carbs to fuel your workouts, you'll be able to create that deficit!
At the end of the day, a good night’s rest can help you process the calories you ate throughout the day and help you burn fat – that’s right, if you take the right steps, you can burn fat while you sleep!
At Youtopia Snacks, we are happy to provide a wholesome, nutritional snack that curbs cravings with perfect portion control and macronutrient composition, making our snack packs one of the best snacks for weight loss.
Don’t believe it works? We believe in you!
Try including snacking in your weight loss journey for a week. You will be amazed to see how your body feels after a week of satisfying your sweet tooth without the guilt, curbing cravings and making healthier choices for your body.